child, human parenting, lessons, music teacher, musicians, parental support, practicing 03 Feb 2024 The Power of Musical Role Models Mozart admired Haydn; Elton John idolized Little Richard; Ray Charles imitated Nat King Cole for years until he found his… Barbie Wong
child, human parenting, instrument, parental support, practicing, Uncategorized 17 Jan 2023 A Strong Practice Habit in 7 Steps Why is establishing a habit so important? It's because when practice becomes a habit, your child will become more eager… Barbie Wong
child, human parenting, parental support 03 May 2022 Family Meetings: Why Have Them? Sometimes, living with in a family can be difficult. Everyone has their own opinions, issues arise, and life gets busy.… Barbie Wong
child, human parenting, instrument, parental support, practicing 14 Mar 2022 Help! My Kid Resists Practicing Does your kid dislike practicing their instrument? Are you not sure what to do about their resistance? There are things… Barbie Wong
child, human parenting, music teacher, parental support 20 Jan 2021 Gender Diversity and Inclusivity in Music My child Aris came out as transgender when they were 10 years old. Back then, I did not know what… Barbie Wong
'ukulele, Blog, child, human parenting, instrument, lessons, music teacher, parental support, piano, practicing 11 Sep 2020 Liven Up Music Practicing with Live Music Is your child struggling with music practicing? Is your child uninspired or reluctant to practice? This is a common struggle… Barbie Wong
Blog, child, human parenting, parental support 02 May 2020 The Power of Routines During Sheltering in Place Routines can be powerfully anchoring during these stressful times. This past month, my family has developed new weekly routines that… Barbie Wong
Blog, child, human parenting, parental support 26 Apr 2020 Sing Your Instructions There's a way to bring music into the house while getting your kids to do their chores. Check out this… Barbie Wong
'ukulele, Blog, child, human parenting, instrument, lessons, music teacher, musicians, piano, practicing 03 Feb 2020 Using LIFT to Make Beautiful Music Music is a language... When we learn music the way we learned our native language, the process is easy and… Barbie Wong
Blog, child, instrument, lessons, music teacher, parental support, piano 30 Jan 2020 Piano Basics: Getting Started with the Piano Is your child looking to play the piano? Do you need guidance on acquiring a piano for your household? Below… Barbie Wong