Blog, child, instrument, lessons, music teacher, parental support, piano 30 Jan 2020 Piano Basics: Getting Started with the Piano Is your child looking to play the piano? Do you need guidance on acquiring a piano for your household? Below… Barbie Wong
'ukulele, Blog, child, instrument, practicing 23 Jan 2020 ‘Ukulele Basics: Getting Started with the ‘Ukulele Are you a beginner looking to play the 'ukulele? Here are some things to consider as you take these first… Barbie Wong
Blog, musicians, socially responsible 15 Jan 2020 5 Ways to Be Socially Responsible in Music I am old enough to remember my father playing 8-tracks on our stereo at home. Neil Diamond would sing to… Barbie Wong
Blog, child, human parenting, parental support, travel 07 Jan 2020 Surfing Made Me a Better Parent Last spring, I took a surfing lesson in Kaua'i and my passion for this sport caught fire. That morning, the… Barbie Wong