instrument, lessons, music teacher, travel 23 Apr 2024 10 Lessons I Learned from Dennis Smith When I was in high school, I was a mess. I'm sure most of us felt that way during those… Barbie Wong
child, human parenting, lessons, music teacher, musicians, parental support, practicing 03 Feb 2024 The Power of Musical Role Models Mozart admired Haydn; Elton John idolized Little Richard; Ray Charles imitated Nat King Cole for years until he found his… Barbie Wong
Blog, human parenting, instrument, lessons, music teacher, parental support, practicing, Uncategorized 28 Oct 2022 The Secret to Raising Musical Kids If your child doesn't want to practice or you want to know how to get your kid started in music,… Barbie Wong
human parenting, lessons, music teacher, musicians, parental support, practicing 21 Oct 2022 Fun Ideas to Keep Kids Excited About Music Having worked with hundreds of parents and music teachers, I get to hear some fabulous ideas about how to get… Barbie Wong
human parenting, instrument, lessons, music teacher, parental support 13 Mar 2022 When Should Kids Start Music Lessons? Is there an ideal age to begin lessons? How can you tell if your child is ready for music lessons?… Barbie Wong
lessons, music teacher 09 Jun 2021 Rules for Breaking Up Have you ever been dumped? I have. It feels awful. And not just for me, but I know for a… Barbie Wong
human parenting, instrument, music teacher, parental support, practicing 27 Mar 2021 Putting on the Recording: A Guide for Parents Music is a language, so the more music your child hears, the more musically “fluent” your child will become. Parents… Barbie Wong
human parenting, lessons, music teacher 23 Mar 2021 The Real Cost of Music Lessons Does the cost of music lessons seem high? Almost scary high? As a parent, I try to keep our costs… Barbie Wong
child, human parenting, music teacher, parental support 20 Jan 2021 Gender Diversity and Inclusivity in Music My child Aris came out as transgender when they were 10 years old. Back then, I did not know what… Barbie Wong
'ukulele, Blog, child, human parenting, instrument, lessons, music teacher, parental support, piano, practicing 11 Sep 2020 Liven Up Music Practicing with Live Music Is your child struggling with music practicing? Is your child uninspired or reluctant to practice? This is a common struggle… Barbie Wong